

Here you find books about solitary bees (in german)

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New Wild bees - Book with plenty fantastic photos

Wildbienen, die anderen Bienen

von Paul Westrich

2024, hardcover, 208 p

30.00 *
In stock


22.00 *
In stock

New Wildbienen ganz nah

14.95 *
In stock


25.00 *
In stock

New The pompilidae of Hessen

The pompilidae of Hessen. distribution & bionimie

Frommer, U. & S. Tischendorf

1. ed, 2024, 168 p, hardcover

27.10 *
In stock
Delivery period: 4 Tage working days


54.95 *
In stock


Vom Leben der Wildbienen

Philippe Boyer

2. Aufl. 2023, 144 S.

20.00 *
In stock


18.00 *
In stock


Pocket encyclopedia of wild bees in Central Europe

Erwin Scheuchl & Wolfgang Willner

1. ed. 2016, 920 S., hardcover

39.95 *
In stock


29.90 *
In stock


15.00 *
In stock


Die Goldwespen Mitteleuropas

von Heinz Wiesbauer, Paolo Rosa, Herbert Zettel

1. Auflage 2020, 256 S.

49.95 *
In stock

Die Wildbienen Deutschlands

Die Wildbienen Deutschlands

von Paul Westrich

Das neue Standardwerk

2.Aufl., 824 S., 1700 Fotos

115.00 *


19.90 *
In stock

Bumblebees of Europe

Bumblebees of Europe

P. Rasmont, G. Ghisbain, M. Terzo

Coming out: 2021
Cover: Hardback cover
Format: 13 x 20,5 cm
ISBN: 978-2-913688-38-4
Pages: 632

87.00 *
In stock


Hommels van Nederland en Belgie

Kos et al. (2022), 179 p.

Book in dutch language


32.95 *
In stock

The Resin and Wool Carder Bees

The Resin and Wool Carder Bees (Anthidiini) of Europe and Western Turkey

Max Kasparek

2. edition 2023, 292 p., Hardback cover


78.00 *
In stock

Bees of Europe

Bees of Europe

Denis Michez, Pierre Rasmont, Michaël Terzo & Nicolas J. Vereecken

Coming out: 2019
Cover: Hardback cover
Format: 13 x 20,5 cm
ISBN: 978-2-913688-34-6
Pages: 548

85.00 *
In stock


14.90 *
In stock

New Bombyliidae (Bee Flies)

Bee Flies of Switzerland  - Bombyliidae

by Hermann Blöchlinger

2023, Hardcover, 168 p. (german & french)

58.00 *
In stock

Bees of Switzerland part 1

Wild Bees of Switzerland Apidae1

by F. Amiet, A. Müller & Chr. Praz

2. edit. 2018, Hardcover, 188 p. (german & french)

58.00 *
In stock

Bees of Switzerland part 2

Bees of Switzerland Apidae2

by F. Amiet, A. Müller & R. Neumeyer

genus Colletes, Hylaeus, Sphecodes et al.

2. edit. 2014, Hardcover, 239 p. (german & french)

68.00 *
In stock


36.00 *


39.90 *


Managing Alternative Pollinators

A Handbook for Beekeepers, Growers and Conservationists
Eric Mader, Marla Spivak, Elaine Evans | 2010

ISBN: 978-1-933395-20-3

158 pages

currently not available

39.00 *
Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery