The pompilidae of Hessen - distribution & bionimie
Ulrich Frommer und Stefan Tischendorf
They are not even known to many nature enthusiasts, although with a bit of luck they can be observed in almost every garden and their hunt can be described as quite spectacular. Pompilidae have specialized in spiders as their prey. They overpower the spiders with a sting and transport the paralyzed prey to their nest, where the larva feeds on the paralyzed spider as live food. The book presents all 68 species of wasps ever recorded in Hesse and uses photos and distribution maps to provide an insight into their biology, habitat, occurrence and threat. In total, the authors evaluated around 8,000 specimens recorded in literature and scientific collections. The comparison of old and new finds enables an assessment of the development of the inventory. Some particularly typical spider wasp habitats are presented and necessary biotope maintenance measures are described. The causes of the decline in species are explained using examples.
1. ed, 2024, 168 p., hardcover